What is the food-water-energy nexus? How could we make linkages understandable to the stakeholders including city government, academia, business community and civil society when it comes to the food-energy-water nexus?
How do we facilitate cooperation and knowledge exchange among the stakeholders? Is there any tools and methods that can complement each other for a more sustainable and resilient community and governance models?
In this workshop, the project team will present approaches, tools and visualizations developed in the project and discuss with you the replicability and usability for your local context. These are namely ‘Story Maps’ which are forms of visualization for the food-water-energy nexus in cities and our citizen science tool for data collection.
We will provide insights into experiences and lessons learned and support the exchange and networking regarding initiatives for local resilience and sustainability governance. Representatives of municipalities, private sector, academia, and local citizens are welcome to participate and share your feedback and experiences or approaches as well. We will also discuss how different tools and methods can complement each other for a more sustainable and resilient community.