Some R Packages I would love to explore (October 2020)

A useful note for my future self (and probably to others)

These are some packages I have just discovered which I would like to try/use in the future. For future reference, I have added a brief description and links to source code:

Data munging:

  • janitor: has simple functions for examining and cleaning dirty data. It was built with beginning and intermediate R users in mind and is optimized for user-friendliness. Advanced R users can already do everything covered here, but with janitor they can do it faster and save their thinking for the fun stuff.
  • rex makes writing regular expressions easier by using a friendlier syntax. I always have some difficulties memorizing regex expressions and usually have to use the Regex101 (a great resource, by the way) as a reminder.
  • the validate + errorlocate + deductive + dcmodify team. These group of packages from the same author seem to work as a team. validate validates data’s structure (It can even validate data from rule files written in yaml), errorlocate finds the faulty observations, which can later be corrected by either dcmodify or deductive (from predefinded rules)


  • hrbrthemes provides additional Themes and Theme Components for my beloved ggplot2.
  • see provides additional color palettes and backgrounds for ggplot
  • ggannotate: positioning annotations in ggplot.


  • rmapzen: a mapzen API client for R (Documentation). I am always looking for good geocoding services (currently using photon), and this package uses Mapzen’s Pelias geocoding (amongst other things).
  • parzer parses messy coordinates and converts from different formats to decimal. Also, provides helper functions such as getting hemisphere.
Carlos Cámara-Menoyo
Carlos Cámara-Menoyo
Architect. PhD. Lecturer. Life-long Learner. Transdisciplinary.

I love learning, teaching and researching, as well as sharing and visualizing data, specially with maps. I have a technical and social background and my multiple research interests are centered around the commodifications between cities, technology and society within informationalism and free culture paradigm. So far, I have applied that approach on the topic of social and spatial inequities.

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